This game is very fan and promising, I'm not just saying that, It's a game I been waiting for months now. For many years of a new Kid Icarus game that justed arrive back in March your wait is over. Have to say that it one of funniest Multi player game I played for a long time and so fun I haven't even stop playing it for last five days. The Story is fun indeed but some it'll last you short with under 10 chapters. I have to say it does have some reply value to the game, If you want to collect hearts and play your favorite chapters over and over again earn hearts that you can use for purchases.
The weapons customization for very cool uses online and locally to play with friends. What I do like about it is that you can trade weapons on the stresspass (Since haven't use the yet I can't say much since I only knew a few people has this game)
But the most the have to give credit to Nintendo for having online features on it. and making the game really fun. for Multiplayer, One of the favorite features in multi player modes is Light vs. Dark, a team base system that have can you can go on with anyone around the world and your randomly picked on what side your in.
(An Edited version real soon)