Monday, January 30, 2012

Disgaea 3 for Vita

This is going to be one title entry hitting into the states this spring.

Kingdom Hearts 3DS Dream Drop Distances

This trailer was in last years Tokyo Game Show which this title was a big exclusive,  I know once it hits store self in Japan in March 29, 2012 it's going to be a big seller in 2012, Reading from other sources the story continues after the events of Kingdoms Hearts 2 and Re: coded left off, I wiki'd the other day reading that the series is going to finish with KH3 from what Tetsuya Nomura said. (Don't know if sources is correct about it, It's not always going to right about all the time) it's also said that he's been busy working with Final Fantasy versus 13 and mentioned that after completing FFV13 he'll start production with Kingdom Hearts 3 finishing the series.  

New Blog Background

Check out the new background that I added for my blog!  Also you can check out my new background from my other blog, Nerdcore Blog check that one out too.

For dose that are reading my blogs,  Thanks for your support!

-Otakuplex Guy.